160 words
1 minutes
Simple Guides for Fuwari

Cover image source: Source

This blog template is built with Astro. For the things that are not mentioned in this guide, you may find the answers in the Astro Docs.

Front-matter of Posts#

title: My First Blog Post
published: 2023-09-09
description: This is the first post of my new Astro blog.
image: ./cover.jpg
tags: [Foo, Bar]
category: Front-end
draft: false
categoryThe category of the post.
descriptionA short description of the post. Displayed on index page.
draftIf this post is still a draft, which won’t be displayed.
imageThe cover image path of the post.
1. Start with http:// or https://: Use web image
2. Start with /: For image in public dir
3. With none of the prefixes: Relative to the markdown file
publishedThe date the post was published.
tagsThe tags of the post.
titleThe title of the post.

Where to Place the Post Files#

Your post files should be placed in src/content/posts/ directory. You can also create sub-directories to better organize your posts and assets.

├── post-1.md
└── post-2/
    ├── cover.png
    └── index.md